Yes, you did not misread your name. He is appointed by Bill Gates, Microsoft founder and one of the most influential men in the world, and also one of the most generous investors globally. In 2000, Melinda and Bill Gates provided Cambridge University with the single largest donation in its history of US $ 210 million. This scholarship is for students from all over the world outside the United Kingdom. To study in any discipline available from Cambridge University. From that day on, the Gates Postgraduate Scholarship was known to have produced around 1,400 researchers and graduates around the world from nearly 100 countries, but are you the one who owns the specifications for this scholarship?
The scholarship is granted to those whose goals and characteristics are in compliance with these criteria:
Possessing a unique intellectual talent.
Leadership skills.
Commitment to improving the lives of others.
The relationship between the applicant's skills and capabilities, and what he wants to study in Cambridge.
Application deadline: October 11, 2017.
Grant program
The duration of the program varies depending on its quality. There is a Master of Science MSc, Master of Arts Mlitt, and a one-year program such as diplomas specializing in a specific area of entrepreneurship, for example
PhD Program (for three years only)
Master's program (Arts and Sciences) only two years.
One-year program (e.g. MPhil, LLM, MASt, Diploma, MBA etc.)
Note / The scholarship only covers full-time programs, and the MD does not cover medicine.
The grant is fully funded.
The Gates Scholarship is one of the most generous grants ever, covering:
University registration fee, Cambridge University is a relatively high cost university.
Expense per student (£ 900,144 for 12 months in 2017-2018 in proportion to courses less than 12 months).
One way air ticket and one on return.
Incoming visa costs.
health insurance.
How to apply
Applying through the University of Cambridge website, and the following files are attached upon application: A certificate stating your graduation from the university. Likewise, the college to be studied is chosen taking into account that a “Gates Scholarship” is entered into the Funding Department; Because there are many grants from several institutions that will choose the Gates grant, then proceed to raise the application documents for the Gates grant, namely:
A 3,000-word statement (500 words) explaining your suitability for the Gates Scholarship:
This statement is used by the specialized committees to choose the best candidates for the grant from all scientific disciplines, and this statement helps these committees with the knowledge of distinguished academic candidates who also possess unique intellectual talents, as well as those committed to improving the lives of others and leadership skills. This statement is the only part in addition to the rest of the grants that you may be required when uploading your documents on the Cambridge University website, and how to apply for the Cambridge Graduate Program has been explained in a separate article.
A non-academic reference to gauge your suitability for the Gates scholarship:
As in the statement, a non-academic reference should be provided stating how relevant you are to the Gates grant, where the numbers of applicants are very large. Your reference prints about 4000 characters in the electronic reference, or attaches a separate letter, which will also ask specific questions about his or her evaluation of the grant.
The reference should be someone who is able to answer questions, understand and know what a Gates Cambridge Scholarship is, and not nominate a family member or friend for your reference. For example: nominate a charity official for which you were working, an employee, or others who can answer questions and are familiar with what the Gates Cambridge program is.
** Note / reference to the Cambridge Gates program is different from the academic references required by Cambridge University.
A recent CV.
For PhD students only: Research proposal: Usually the research proposal is requested in the application papers for the department in which the PhD will be studied, but if you are not required to submit one, you must submit at least two pages to the research proposal for your PhD program in order to clarify your considered plans for the Cambridge Gates program.
For business researchers please follow the links below to apply for MBA, MFIN.
How are the candidates chosen?
Section order:
The applicants' papers are all sent to his department, then the department is required to rank the best candidates based on their academic abilities only. After that, only the distinguished applicants are chosen.
Commissions of exclusion are organized, and the selection of the best candidates is based on the aforementioned criteria, such as a commitment to improving the lives of others. On this basis, the applicants who will be presenting for the interview are identified.
the interview:
All applicants nominated by the exclusion committees apply for an interview; To assess the applicability of the criteria for the Gates Cambridge program.